I've been enjoying the good (yet chilly) weather we've had recently and have managed to get myself a few interesting pictures with walks through Bowring Park and the like. If you are from outward bound (away from Newfoundland) and don't know what winter is like here, this is a description:
1. Wet
2. Cold
3. Terrible snow for doing anything in
4. longer than it needs to be
Then we have a spring like summer sort of period until the fall hits in September. Why most of us stay here is beyond me. Anyway. It's beginning to turn into spring a little bit, so we've been trying to take advantage.
Above is a shot of my beautiful wife for whom I mention time and again in this very blog. She is pictured in Bowring Park near the weeping willow near the center of the park. I have anumber of photos uploaded to Flickr, check them out if you get a chance. You can search for me under "Chris D. Dixon".
In quick gaming thoughts, I'm about 15 hours into Final Fantasy 13 and it's starting to grate me a little. The linear track is something that was great for helping me learn the game and it's nuances the first 10 hours, but lets get on with it a little now. Square Enix does get high marks on doing their best to keep it interesting though, as the environments are exquisite and varied. They are doing well with some trickles of back story on the characters as well. I don't like Sazh very much, but his story is certainly interesting.
I've also started poking at the Dragon Age DLC. The Return to Ostagar was a good pickup at 400 pts on Xbox Live, but it really could have been longer. The Soldiers Peak launch day DLC was great, but was overpriced. I started in on the major expansion pack called "Awakenings" a little while back but think I'll restart it. It has some great features and promises about 25 hours of gameplay. It should be fun.
Well, back to work, and hopefully I'll have another post tomorrow. :D Sorry I haven't been posting, as I haven't been at a computer enough to think about it.
PS: I love and miss you dearly Waffle. You were a true friend and companion, and will always be missed.
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